

With this week’s string of Supreme Court victories for freedom, will the “never Trump” forces finally concede that we’re better off with a conservative in the White House? Probably not.

The Conservative Party stood with President Trump during the election, and he made his major New York appearance with us – and this week we saw how the dedication of conservatives everywhere makes a difference for the future of our country.  

What a week it was, thanks to the Supreme Court. Because President Trump, and NOT Hillary Clinton, named Antonin Scalia’s replacement, the high court:

And that’s in addition to recent rulings that will help stave off voter fraud, allow states to control their redistricting plans, and protect those who don’t want to actively participate in gay weddings. 

Of these recent rulings by the Supreme Court, which one do you think is the MOST important? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll. 

And of course the biggest news in a week full of big news is that Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring, opening up another Supreme Court vacancy for President Trump to fill.

Here are six rulings that could be overturned by a post-Kennedy Supreme Court. 

Here is a list of potential Supreme Court replacements, and here you’ll find a look at the early favorites. They’re very young – and that’s a good thing.

What do you think is the most important thing for President Trump to look for as he chooses the nominee? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With this week’s string of Supreme Court victories for freedom, will the “never Trump” forces finally concede that we’re better off with a conservative in the White House? Probably not.

Egged on by the media, the left is increasingly unhinged and mired in incivility and Trump-hatred in the wake of the Supreme Court news.  It’s costing our nation – literally, and figuratively.

We saw evidence of the Democrat’s radicalization this week right here in New York, with the primary triumph of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Democrats have turned socialist, and Kirsten Gillibrand is jumping on the bandwagon with her attacks against those who defend our borders. Will any of the Democrats be visiting Venezuela soon?

But freedom still reigns in America as we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July. What are you MOST thankful for as we celebrate America’s independence? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll. 

Have a great weekend!