Daily Update

Assemblyman Brian Kolb, the Republican Leader of the NYS Assembly, is the first republican to officially announce his run for Governor in November of 2018.  Brian Kolb was first elected to the Assembly in a special election in 2000 and became Leader in 2009.   He resides in Canandaigua, New York and has a Masters from Roberts Wesleyan College and was co-founder of North American Filter Corp, as well as the Former President/COO of Refractron Technologies Corp. 

The Hill is reporting that the republican leaders in Congress have reached an agreement on the tax bill.  It is also being reported that they hope to vote on the bill next week.  The Empire Center  says there is little for NY in the latest fed tax twist…this, however, is due to the burdensome taxes imposed by the state by an administration that believes government should be our parents, landlord, educator, health care professionals and entertainment overlord.

Former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey opines that sex vigilantes trash due process.  It amazes me that women have forgotten how to stand up to sexual innuendoes that only empower men to continue.  Without doubt, there are men who should be given a diet of saltpeter, but women should not revel in being victims.  How can victims be leaders in business, politics, or life?

WOW.  No wonder SP Mueller had to fire him.  Here is the Washington Times take on this astounding exchange of emails.  With all of this NY Congressman Jerold Nadler has the temerity to defend him.   Congressman, you may have been thinking that, but certainly not those who put President Trump in office. 

While everyone can  sympathize with this problem, is it government’s responsibility to bailout pension funds.  Think about it for a minute.  Government would be paying its citizens social security AND failed pensions.  Government is out of control in its quest to provide everything for every person.  Why work?  And if everyone adopts a Why Work attitude…who will pay government who then pays the citizens.  Government pensions are facing financial problems as well as the private pensions covered in this article; will they be the next to be bailed out?  How do you say yes to private pensions and no to public pensions? When and, more importantly, how will it end once if it is allowed to begin?  (Editorial cartoon by Gary Varvel, cartoonist for the Indianapolis Star.)

 Entitlement reform may be coming, however, the entitlements that truly need reform may not be on the agenda.    

It is time to end the VISA lottery.  

How many college presidents earn $1 million a year.  No wonder students struggle to pay for tuition debt. 

Mayor de Blasio’s latest solution for the homeless:  NYC prepared to use eminent domain to buy buildings for the homeless

Propaganda Works: Majority of Americans Now Believe the GOP Bill Will Raise Their Taxes. They’re Wrong.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.