Governor Cuomo is bringing the legislative members back, essentially to deal with mayoral control of the NYC school system…and whatever else the Governor may demand. Contact your Member of the Assembly (518-455-4100) or email them and let them know you do not want the new Tappan Zee Bridge called the Mario Cuomo Bridge. If you have not signed our petition yet, please do so now.
Congressman John Faso appeared on Focus on the State Capitol with Fred Dicker today and explained how his proposal in the new Health Care Bill helps New Yorkers. Listen to him here, and understand that what Governor Cuomo, the ads being run by SEIU 1199 and editorial boards who are denigrating Congressman Faso’s proposal, are doing so because they do not 1) want any cuts to Medicaid and 2) if the Faso-Collins proposal passes it will mean far less money for their pet projects...and more money for you. Here is Congressman Faso’s written response to Governor Cuomo.
Governor Cuomo: The Empire Center knows where you can find a few billion dollars for the MTA.
Do headlines matter? You be the judge: CBO: Senate Health Care Bill Will Reduce Deficit By $321 Billion. Or what most of the liberal papers write: Budget office: Senate health bill adds 22 million uninsured. The headline normally focusses on the article, so the liberal NY Daily News tries to tell you the “horrors” of the proposal, while the more conservative Washington Free Beacon chooses to focus on the positive. The irony is when has the CBO even come close to being right?
Campfire Tales: Democrats Held Unplanned Sit-in On Capitol Hill To Discuss Evil GOP Health Care Bill.
Breaking: Healthcare Vote Delayed; Trump To Meet With GOP Senate.
The NY Post editorial opines that Sunday’s LGBTQ was the second time in a month that a New York parade featured cheering for someone who’d committed major crimes against the United States. Sadly, there was a time when NYC parades honored true heroes, but the city I spent half my life in no longer abides by that tradition — now it sees fit to celebrate terrorists and traitors.