(The first Bill was considered in both Houses; Numbers 2-8 passed both Houses and the last 12 bills passed the Senate only)
1. A. 2597-A Moya/S.2378-B Peralta: The Conservative Party of New York State believes that citizenship has its privileges. We understand the necessity of education, however, providing scholarships and financial aid is an opportunity that must be reserved to those who live by our laws. We therefore opposed this bill that seeks to provide financial assistance to those who are not citizens of New York.
2. S. 3149-A Griffo/ A. 4422-A Dinowitz: The Conservative Party believes that this proposal is a positive step in having every vote count in the election of our President.
3. S.6353_E / A.8553-E Budget Bill: The Conservative Party opposes this budget bill that continues to use tax dollars to fund abortions.
4. S.6355-D/A. 8555-D Budget Bill: The Conservative Party opposes this budget bill that contains funds to the public financing of campaigns.
5. S.6356-D/A.8556-D Budget Bill: The Conservative Party opposes this budget bill that contains the funds to implement the School Bond Act if the voters pass the statewide proposal on the ballot.
6. A. 6357-E Gottfried/ S. 7923 Savino: The Conservative Party strongly opposed this bill that designates the most abused Schedule 1 drug (Here is how the FDA defines Schedule I drugs: substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence.) as medicine.
7. A.9462 – Silver/S. 7368 Rules: The Conservative Party is opposed to this bill that postpones (again) the expiration of certain tax rates and taxes in the city of New York.
8. A.10075- Goldfeder: The Conservative Party opposes this bill that extends the hours of operation of video lottery gaming designed to provide incentives to visit (or stay longer) at video gaming facilities.
9. Senate Resolution #4036: The Conservative Party supports Budget Resolution #2 which creates, expands or makes permanent certain tax cuts , reduces utility rates and prohibits wasteful government spending
10. S.383 Diaz: The Conservative Party has called for this common-sense legislation that prohibits the use of lottery funds for any purpose other than education and prohibits the co-mingling with funds for other purposes.
11. S.725-A Avella: The Conservative Party believes that State Representatives should be responsive to citizens by standing for election every two years.
12. S. 966 – Libous: The Conservative Party strongly supports this common-sense legislation that prohibits public assistance cash benefits from being used to purchase alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, gaming or adult entertainment.
13. S.1437 Ranzenhofer: The Conservative Party supports this legislation making it a Class A misdemeanor to knowingly harbor (house or employ) a sex offender who has failed to register or verify as required by law.
14. S.1520 Marcellino: The Conservative Party supports this bill that makes terrorism recruitment a Class C Felony.
15. S.1521 Marcellino: The Conservative Party supports this bill that seeks to create the crime of aggravated criminal conduct (Class E Felony) when an individual commits a misdemeanor and has been previously subjected to 4 or more qualifying misdemeanor convictions within the preceding 5 years.
16. S.2142 Lanza: The Conservative Party supports this bill that prohibits the expenditure of state and local funds relating to any trial of enemy combatants at any federal court in the state of New York.
17. S.2468 LaValle: The Conservative Party supports this bill that would extend the number of months from 24 to 60 as the time within which the parole board must set for reconsideration of a denied application for parole in cases where an inmate was sentenced for a violent felony offense.
18. S. 2617 Young: The Conservative Party supports this bill that seeks to provide financial incentives to the City of New York and the counties to identify and prosecute Medicaid fraud, thereby helping eliminate fraud, waste and abuse.
19. S.4444-A Golden: The Conservative party supports this bill that seeks to provide a statutory framework for the prosecution and prevention of criminal street gang activity.
20. S.5879-B Lanza: The Conservative Party supports this bill that seeks to end human trafficking.