Short Description of Bills Used for Assembly Ratings

(The first 14 Bills passed both houses with one bill double rated; the last 10 passed the Assembly only)

1. S. 2800-E Budget / A. 4000-E Budget: This budget bill is the State Operations Budget that cut personal service costs and reduced noncontract mandated fringe benefits by 10.1%. This bill is a good first step in reducing the cost of government in NYS that CPNYS

2. S. 2809-D Budget / A. 4009-D Budget: CPNYS opposes this bill that continues to fund abortions.

3. A 6091-Wright / S. 3928 Robach: This bill extends unemployment insurance benefits. CPNYS is opposed to UI benefits being extended
because the consequences of unemployment benefits (the most conclusively established results in labor economic research) that extend either the amount or the duration of UI benefits increases the length of time that workers remain unemployed, and subsidize
unemployment by reducing the need to search for new work.

4. A. 6309-A Abbate / S. 4067 Golden: This bill seeks to allow school districts to borrow by selling bonds to pay for employer pension costs without voter approval. CPNYS opposes the bill that actually increases taxes instead of reducing spending.

5. A. 6444 Brennan / S. 5564 Rules: This bill seeks to increase the Thruway Authority’s bond authorization for the Canal System from $60 million to $160 million. CPNYS opposes the increase in bonding authority without voter approval while increasing taxes on future

6. A. 7697 Cusick / S. 3901-A Zeldin: CPNYS supported this bill that seeks to create a permit system for demonstrations occurring in the
vicinity of a wake, funeral, burial or memorial services for veterans.

7. A. 7714 Abbate / S. 5317 Fuschillo: This bill seeks to require a warning label on baby-bottle and sippy-cup packaging concerning tooth decay. CPNYS opposes all nanny-state legislation.

8. A. 7763 Silver / S. 5527 Rules: This bill seeks to postpone the expiration of certain tax rates and taxes in the city of New York. CPNYS opposes any increase or extension of taxes and believes that spending must be reduced instead of increasing taxes.

9. A. 8178-A Galef / S. 3111-B Larkin: CPNYS supports this legislation that allows a certificate of death to be issued when women give birth to a stillborn child in the hope to ease the pain associated with a stillbirth.

10. A. 8031 Silver / S. 5679 Skelos: CPNYS supports the public integrity reform act and the various requirements that seek to make the Executive and Legislative branches of government more transparent to the public.

11. A 8354 O’Donnell: The bill allows couples of the same sex to marry. CPNYS did not support the bill and double rated the bill.

12. A. 8469 Weinstein / S. 5827 Bonacic: This bill seeks to amend the state constitution and allow Supreme Court Judges to work to a
maximum age of 80. Currently, Supreme Court Judges can serve until age 70 and can be reappointed for up to an additional three twoyear terms allowing them to serve until age 76. CPNYS does not support any changes in the maximum retirement age of Judges.

13. A. 8518 Lopez / S. 5856 Skelos: CPNYS strongly supported a tax cap, however this bill gives localities the right to override the bill with a 2/3 vote, it also strengthen and extended rent regulations and did not give localities any mandate relief, we therefore opposed the bill.

14. A. 8520 O’Donnell / S. 5857 Rules: This bill amended the ability for same sex couples to marry by creating a “Religious” exemption for institutions. CPNYS opposed the original bill and this amendment.

15. A. 1157-A Schimel: CPNYS opposes this costly mandate that requires semiautomatic pistols to be capable of microstamping

16. A. 1306 Jeffries: CPNYS opposes all nanny state legislation including this proposal that requires those 16 years of age or over shall be restrained by a safety belt in the rear seat of cars.

17. A. 2288 Wright: CPNYS opposes this bill that will hinder police investigations thereby putting the public at risk.

18. A. 2807 O’Donnell: CPNYS opposes this bill that relates to providing health insurance coverage to domestic partners.

19. A. 4488-A Lancman: CPNYS opposes this bill that seeks to prevent domestic violence by further curtailing second amendment rights.

20. A. 5039 Gottfried: The bill seeks to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity or expression. CPNYS believes that any discrimination is wrong and that discrimination can be prosecuted under the many laws already enacted.

21. A. 6130 Wright: CPNYS opposes any bill that seeks to enforce pay equity by government mandated job comparisons.

22. A. 6451 Galef: CPNYS opposes all nanny state legislation including this proposal that prohibits any person from smoking at a playground.

23. A 7400 Sweeney: CPNYS is opposed to this bill that seeks to ban hydraulic fracturing for he extraction of natural gas or oil.

24. A. 8514 Morelle: CPNYS opposes this bill that establishes the NY Health Benefit Exchange. Essentially this bill would create a New York State “Obamacare” even if the US Supreme Court strikes down the mandated law.